Monday, July 19, 2010

#10 It Happened One Night (1934)

So it's 1934, you're Frank Capra and you want to make what will be one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time so who do you get? Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert of course. Talk about a power trio, wowsers! How can you not love Frank Capra, you know, the guy that would later bring you "It's a Wonderful Life". And course Gable would go on to become Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind". Although I can't pull any other amazing, the whole world will know film, out of my hat for Colbert, she is simply amazing. Funny, witty, and beautiful. She is easily the mold to which the likes of Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock are cast from.

So Gable stars as Peter Warne, a newspaper man, whose great story literally falls in his lap, when he shares a bus, a room, a stolen car, and a bale of hay with Colbert's runaway heiress Ellie Andrews. Like vinegar and oil these two are, but through their shared adventure they find love. Hey....I never promised not to give it away.

This is one of those movies that everyone seems to have seen but me. I mean, Capra, Gable and Colbert all won Oscars for their work, and it won Best Picture. How could I not put it on the list. Honestly, this was one of those movies up there with The Godfather and The Maltese Falcon in the list of movies I'm embarrassed I haven't seen.

This is definitely a must see. It's funny, it's romantic, it's over 75 years old and it's still good. Sure, it's surprising to see the way men treat women, and what their place is 76 years ago, but it's no Streetcar Named Desire that's for sure.

Rent it, buy it, watch it with your sweetie, but must importantly, watch it. Capra, Colbert and can you go wrong.

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